- The Hits

Music by Artificial Intelligence
  • In the episode "Knight Song" (season 4), K.I.T.T. meets the music group "New Edition", who use his "Polyphonic Synthesizer" as a sound computer and teach him how to "sing"... However, his "singing skills" are not great at all.
  • About 40 years later, Artificial Intelligence has much better singing skills now. For example, you can feed SUNO with your own lyrics, which you have previously created unsing ChatGPT, specify the desired music style and shortly afterwards your own song is ready! In amazing quality!
    Here are a few of our own songs - just for fun 🙂
  • The songs that I personally like best are marked as follows:
    ❤️ = personal favorites
    💛 = personal recommendation
    💾 = download the song
Choose a version below
" - The legend reborn" (English)
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" - Die Erfüllung eines Kindheitstraumes" (German)
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During my first attempts, the text was still completely created by ChatGPT and was a bit bumpy in places. But a few songs were still quite good. That's why I've added them here as an encore:
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Music created with SUNO

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