Comedy quiz show: "Es kann nur E1NEN geben" (RTL)

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Comedy quiz show: "Es kann nur E1NEN geben" (RTL)
  • On 1st July 2013, I was candidate in the German TV comedy quiz show "Es kann nur E1NEN geben" (similar to British TV show "Odd One In"). At the show, they present different candidates who tell a story about a strange or funny hobby and some celebrity guessers have to find out, whose story is true (it's only one of them). Of course, my hobby was "building K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider".
  • The show aired at German channel RTL on September 13th 2013 at 10:15 PM CET with 2.51 Mio. viewers (10.9% market share).
  • A rerun was shown on September 5th 2014 at 11:15 PM CET with 1.28 Mio. viewers (8.6% market share).
Photos from the recording
Screenshots from the show

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